Principal's Message
August 5, 2024
Dear Rocket Families,
Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year at El Rincon STEAM Elementary School. Our goal is to provide a space that will help all of our students SHINE and GROW into innovative thinkers and creative problem solvers, as we inspire learners to thrive in the twenty-first century. Together, we can create a community where everyone feels valued and supported.
This year our school wide theme is: Spark Positivity: Shine Bright Together. Throughout the school year, we
will have opportunities to work together as we harness and share our unique strengths and abilities. This includes opportunities to explore our talents and interests, and promote self-discovery, self-advocacy, and personal growth.
Let's work together to lift each other up and celebrate every success, big or small.
Engaging in STEAM education requires honoring the way it shows up in the lived experiences and histories of
diverse populations. At El Rincon, we honor the voices of ALL our students, demonstrating that each Rocket brings value to the classroom community. This also includes our caregivers, who are an integral part of the school
community, and we promise to create opportunities to share and celebrate aspects of your culture and background.
School to home communication is important to the success of all students. Teachers will generally send a weekly
email update, and we will send a weekly newsletter each Saturday morning via PARENTSQUARE, using the email given during registration. Please let the office know if you need to update your email address in Aeries. We
would also like to encourage you to check out our school’s website and join the calendar for updates. Here you will find the most up to date information and announcements throughout the year. In addition, we will meet as a school campus every Wednesday morning for a school wide assembly from 8:35- 8:50am. All are welcome to join us on the playground.
It is truly a privilege to be a part of a community where caregivers, teachers, and students care for each other, and strive to build positive relationships that support academic and social growth. We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can achieve their highest potential.
With Rocket Pride,
Dr. Amy Hodge, Principal
Ms. Kana Nakagawa, Assistant Principal