El Rincon's Math Night

El Rincon hosted a night to celebrate Math. Partnering up with Culver City Mathnasium, families spent the evening playing math games, learning about the importance of math, and students were given math swag bags. This was their largest attended family night in years - they ran out of food twice! Families learned that math is everywhere and math is for everyone
Thank you to Culver City Mathnasium for being a great partner, Sorrento Italian Market for dinner, the 15 high school students that played the games, Mrs. Atoosa Abascal for coordinating the event, teachers - Mrs Hargrove, Ms. Gordon, Mrs Glusac, Mr. Warner for adding more games, and to the PTA volunteers - VK Shah, Salome Reeves, Teresa Wong. It was a team effort to create a fun night.
Click here for more math resources from Mrs Atoosa Abascal, El RIncon's teaching and learning partner: https://tinyurl.com/FamilyMathResources